Here you will find our new items we have just launched.
Mid size San Judas tadeo
3 tone San Judas
San Judas (green tone)
10 mm chino link Virgencita esclava de 3 tonos
Tennis cross pendent (good quality gem stones )
Jesus cross with Diamonds
Small size cross with Cz stones
gold plated cross (Cz stones)
Bust out gold plated middle finger pendant
Gold tone medalla de San Judas tadeo
3 tone medalla de San Judas
Mid size San Judas Tadeo (gold tone)
Bust out Emoji with the middle finger
Stainless steel weed pendent (good quality stones)
Virgencita pulsera de ojo turco
All brown San Judas bracelets
3 tone Santa muerte chino link
Jesus Pendent with (CZ stones )
Virgencita pulsera
Green tone saint Jude pendent